Analog Helper Support
If you have a problem with Analog Helper, please take the following steps:
- Read the documentation within Analog Helper.
- Check the list of frequently asked questions below.
- Download the latest version.
- Check the main support page for licensing issues.
- If you are still stuck, please contact us.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What about configuration commands Analog Helper doesn't support?
Any Analog command added to the Analog Configuration Commands section of the Inclusions / Exclusions panel will be written at the end of the analog.cfg file.
- Can Analog Helper for Mac be used to configure Analog for Unix or Windows?
Yes, but references to files, specifically input log files and the output report file, are written by Analog Helper in Analog for Mac format, so you will need to update these manually in the analog.cfg file. All other settings are identical across platforms.
- Analog is reporting problem with DNS resolution or the dnscache file.
In Analog (not Analog Helper's) folder, drag the dnscache file to your trash.